2014 NPR Christmas Parade

It was anything but a silent night.
All wasn’t calm, but all was very bright
We rounded our float, gamblers, and a well-dressed child (or two)
For the NPR Christmas parade that most definitely wasn’t mild

2014 NPR Christmas Parade

Some may consider it the closing of another great year, and others the kick off to the awesomeness that is about to ensue; none-the-less, a well-dressed Krewe of gamblers, blinged-out in their finest red and green, took to the streets of the NPR and showed Santa what Christmas is all about. Music… beads… and enough holiday cheer to make Rudolph’s nose glow so bright. Our friends in the NPR did not disappoint. They crowded the streets and lined the walkways with candy cane-fueled kids that filled the air with joyous screams for more beads. As always it was a great way to get in to the holiday spirit and kick off the upcoming parade season. And, as always, it couldn’t have been done without our security team, our holiday “spirit” team Danny and Spencer, and of course, our float drivers, Gary and Gina.